Pargo's Cove
We anchored at 08 41.75N 83 28.77W
12ft of water
Fuel - No
Cell Service - Yes
Wifi - No
Dingy Landing - Maybe
Garbage - No
Potable Water - No
Showers - No
Laundry - No
Groceries- No
ATM - No
Water Taxi - No
Cell Service - Yes
Wifi - No
Dingy Landing - Maybe
Garbage - No
Potable Water - No
Showers - No
Laundry - No
Groceries- No
ATM - No
Water Taxi - No
Pargo's Cove
The main reason to anchor here is to to have access to the snorkeling spots close by. Unfortunately for us it was was one of the few days with wind and chop when we were here. This killed all the visibility and made the dinghy ride a bumpy wet mess. We decided to abort and leave it for another day.
We could see the potential we just didn't get to enjoy it.
We could see the potential we just didn't get to enjoy it.
Anchor Depth – 23ft
We anchored just past the tiny island but before the shoals. Good holding.
Water temp and Clarity
Clarity wasn't that great at about 5ft.
We anchored just past the tiny island but before the shoals. Good holding.
Water temp and Clarity
Clarity wasn't that great at about 5ft.
Dinghy Landing
You could land near the head of the small bay.
There is a building hidden around the corner and there was signs of people there but we never met them and have no idea whether they like visitors or not.
There is a building hidden around the corner and there was signs of people there but we never met them and have no idea whether they like visitors or not.
Lots of floating debris. Sticks, logs and so on.
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