We anchored at 10 31.268N 85 47.474W
11ft of water - BETWEEN THE ISLANDS
Fuel - Sort of. You could dingy over to the ferry stop and take a cab to a gas station.
Cell Service - Yes
Wifi - No
Dingy Landing - easy
Garbage - No
Potable Water - No
Showers - No
Laundry - No
Groceries- Sort of. You could dingy over to the ferry stop and take a cab to Paquera.
ATM - No
Water Taxi - No
Cell Service - Yes
Wifi - No
Dingy Landing - easy
Garbage - No
Potable Water - No
Showers - No
Laundry - No
Groceries- Sort of. You could dingy over to the ferry stop and take a cab to Paquera.
ATM - No
Water Taxi - No
We spent a day here.
The really nice thing here is that it is super calm. If you have been working your way down Costa Rica and have had one rally anchorage after another then this is a welcome relief. I think the Negritos Islands to the south provide a barrier to any swell and so it seems that the anchorages north are much less affected.
Unfortunately the water is murky so it wasn't really inviting to swim in.
There can be a bit of current so you won't necessarily be pointed into the wind at anchor. This can make it pretty hot.
We did a dingy circumnavigation of Isla Cedros which was fun. It was mid tide so there was a lot of current and tide rips. Make sure your dingy is reliable or you may find yourself swept out into the Gulf!!
The really nice thing here is that it is super calm. If you have been working your way down Costa Rica and have had one rally anchorage after another then this is a welcome relief. I think the Negritos Islands to the south provide a barrier to any swell and so it seems that the anchorages north are much less affected.
Unfortunately the water is murky so it wasn't really inviting to swim in.
There can be a bit of current so you won't necessarily be pointed into the wind at anchor. This can make it pretty hot.
We did a dingy circumnavigation of Isla Cedros which was fun. It was mid tide so there was a lot of current and tide rips. Make sure your dingy is reliable or you may find yourself swept out into the Gulf!!
On the Western edge of Isla Jesusita is Harry's Bar, part of a cute little Eco-Resort called Isla Chiquita. The bar was super cute and the food was good. It wasn't cheap but it was worth it.
Anchor Depth – 11ft (8ft tide)
We anchored between the islands. Good holding. Dead calm and flat.
We saw another sailboat go deeper between the islands almost to the power lines. You would have much more protection there if the winds piped up from the north.
Water temp and Clarity
Clarity was murky with minimal visibility.
We anchored between the islands. Good holding. Dead calm and flat.
We saw another sailboat go deeper between the islands almost to the power lines. You would have much more protection there if the winds piped up from the north.
Water temp and Clarity
Clarity was murky with minimal visibility.
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